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Happy Halloween Upgrades October 31, 2023

Posted by Hydy in condo, life, photos.
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Halloween Party weekend went well. Hope everyone is having a great day today. Lots of candy and such.

Yesterday, I got AT&T Fiber internet.

Fiber modem and jack
Fiber cable that still needs buried.

Today I got all new carpet from America’s Floor Source.

Under floor, padding, carpet
Living room before and after
Stairs before and after
Hallway before and after
Spare bedroom before and after
Master bedroom before and after

While I would not recommend the sales experience from either of these upgrades, the installation crews were professional, efficient, and friendly. I was surprised that burying the Fiber is a different crew than the install, but hopefully that will go smoothly, as well. I have 45 days to decide if I like it better than the cable Internet I was using. And to time the cable cancellation call so I’m not paying for both.

Last thing tomorrow is getting my furnace’s biannual check-up. It got quite a workout today with the install needing warm temps, but also leaving the front door open.

Other than that, heading full tilt into the holidays.

Take care of each other and get vaxxes to take care of yourself.

Happy Halloween! October 30, 2022

Posted by Hydy in CSCC, life.
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I’m still tired this weekend from last weekend. 😆 But I’ve caught up on Dr Who and done laundry and dishes, so not all bad.

Finished one final on Friday. The other got an extension for the entire class, so I’m hoping to finish it tomorrow. Bunches of meetings and trainings to do this week. Busy month with a few long weekends, but at least no more classes for a long while. Final class for the Certification doesn’t look offered until June.

I have a lot of work to do for my DnD game, too. Gotta find the spoons. I’ve loved DMing this game, but very much looking forward to just playing again. I’ve got some character work to do for that, too! And for the holiday marathons. Lots of new characters by the year’s end. Thinking about writing up some of the non-module content for DMsGuild, but as mentioned, November is a bit busy.

Hope everyone has had a good Halloween weekend, and has a safe Halloween tomorrow.

Get your Vaxes, wear your masks, stay safe and healthy. Also, check out your ballot before next week so you can be an informed voter!

Spooky Season October 2, 2022

Posted by Hydy in CSA, CSCC, life, writing.
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We are into October now. Halloween preparations surround us. My CSA was offering carving pumpkins, as well as pie pumpkins and medium pumpkins. I resisted the childhood urge for now – it wouldn’t last all month and COA regulations on decorations are sketchy.

On a more Positive COA note, we have an approximation on when the balcony removals will begin. The notice also said deck repairs, but as I only have a broken back step, I don’t know if that applies to me. By the end of the month, there should be con/destruction starting in the complex. One step at a time and this place will be worth something one day.

I finished two more classes for my Digital Curation Certificate this week. That makes me halfway through. Two more classes starting tomorrow. Then one class that will hopefully have a section in the spring so I don’t have to take it in December over the holiday break. Work on getting the money still continues at a glacial pace, but the sixtieth anniversary of the college is next year, so maybe there’s hope.

My DnD game has another run around and tie up loose ends, do some shopping, and prepare for what’s next session. I was hoping for a backstory run over to the Empire next, or a run back to clean up a Medusa loose end. Unfortunately, the end of the session has me thinking they’re heading straight for the next dungeon. So that’s been my week/end. I hadn’t built it yet, other than broad strokes. Much to write

In other news… Happy Birthday to my uncle and nephew today!!!

Also, get vaxxed, wear a mask, and defend black and trans people from idiocy and ignorance at all levels.

Happy Halloween! October 31, 2021

Posted by Hydy in CSCC, life.
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Hope everyone is having a safe and fun weekend!

Finished the Director interviews this week. Next steps this week, so hopefully a hire soon. Pretty quiet week otherwise.

Trick or Treating got rained out. But I got to hang out with a few folk last night, and played a bit of Battletech yesterday, too.

November tomorrow, the year marches on. COA annual meeting to kick it off, so hopefully better news or at least useful news to move forward with tomorrow.

Get vaxxed, wear a mask.

Autumn Changes October 10, 2019

Posted by Hydy in CSCC, life, reading, writing.
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The weather has turned, though I’m not counting on hot days being gone, yet. Apples and pumpkins fill beverages, pies, and our weekends.

The fall semester is busy with lots of classes coming in for instruction. I’m teaching about one class a week. I haven’t seen the grant paperwork, yet, but I assume that’s on its way soon. Very much looking forward to getting that going. I have two conference next week: ODNFest and ALAO, so that will keep me busy.

October is a busy social month with cookouts, parties, and Halloween fun to be had every weekend. Still a few more weeks of the RenFaire, as well. Enjoying getting out of the house to hang with friends before it gets really cold.

Slow, but steady progress fleshing out ideas for my writing and drawing. I am working my way through Embrace Your Weird by Felicia Day. It’s all about just putting stuff on paper, even if it’s bad, to unblock your creativity and break down the walls adulthood put up around it. Full of exercises and prompts, so I have to listen with pen in hand. Also on another go round with Dresden, between library borrows.

Parties Part Three October 29, 2017

Posted by Hydy in library, life, reading.
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Three night Halloween party survived, one more time. And fun was had by all. The music was rocking, the performances were awesome, and the crowds were not overly terrible. It’s not even Halloween yet. 😉  Though, I’ll be spending mine at work, at work, and then gaming with my usual game (currently Planescape D&D).

Work is going well. Gearing up for a Masquerade on Tuesday. I’m waiting to hear back about the interview. At Sprawl, the carpet is down, the plumbing is approved, and there is even some furniture in the main building. Over in the warehouse, I’m pushing on through the Glenn Cook collection, I’m almost done with all the “new” books there.

I finished The Wheel of Time! The battle is over, the Dark One defeated again, for now, and peace will spread, for a little while. I’ve started NPCs by Drew Hayes, and I’m quite amused.

Party Part Two of Three October 20, 2017

Posted by Hydy in library, life, reading.
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Had a nice birthday dinner for a friend last night. Mmm Buca di Beppo. Three more parties to go this weekend: one tonight, and two tomorrow. Weee! Looking forward to a fun time with friends.

Work was pretty quiet this week, though tomorrow will probably make up for that. I have an interview at Main next week. Fingers crossed. They’ve also started work at the new MLK site.

Audiobook-wise, I’m still working on Memories of Light; it’s a very long book. 😉

Party Season October 15, 2017

Posted by Hydy in library, life, reading.
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Party season has begun. My first Halloween party last night. We did a super hero murder mystery, and it was great fun. It’s been a long time since I’ve been up to the Cleveland Halloween party. Next weekend, I think I have four parties.

Work is going apace. Working my way through totes of new Hardcovers at Sprawl. Main had their FOL Big Book Sale this weekend. Waiting to hear if I get an interview for a few positions.

In Audiobooks, I ran out of time on Ship of Fools, so I listened to Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. Now, I’m working on A Memory of Light.

Ground Breaking October 5, 2017

Posted by Hydy in library, life, reading.
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We had our Ground Breaking ceremony this week, for the new branch. It was a very bright and shiny day. Some good talks, and a very heartfelt speech by one of our volunteens. Then a group of kids, then a group of adults got to turn the dirt. Actual work should be getting started very soon.

A quiet week, otherwise. Birthdays of friends and family, and more Halloween prep. I’ve had a pretty quiet week, with a quiet weekend ahead. Though I may finally take a trip to the IKEA, just to check it out.

Still working on Ship of Fools, I think I’ve got a Pratchett up next.

Autumn Chill October 1, 2017

Posted by Hydy in library, reading.
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Autumn has come, and the days are bright and cool. At least at the end of the week, the first couple days were hot enough, that they let the kids out of school early on Monday and Tuesday. Pretty quiet except for that. It’s the calm before the Halloween storm of parties. 😉

Did hang out with friends this weekend, worked on my painting and had a wine and chocolate tasting. Still working on the Robin Hobb. The narrator has a sleepy voice, but it’s an interesting story.